Path I. The Path of Earth Service
Attributes | Wise-compassion. |
Source | Constellation of the Dragon, via Libra. |
Method | Twelve cosmic Identifications. |
Hierarchy | The sixth. |
Symbol | A green dragon issuing from the center of a blazing sun. Behind the sun and over-topping it can be seen two pillars on either side of a closed door.
Quality gained | Luminosity. |
Leads to --> | The cosmic astral plane. |
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Path II. The Path of Magnetic Work
Attributes | Responsiveness to heat and knowledge of rhythm. |
Source | An unknown constellation via Gemini. (Libra is also involved.) |
Method | The entering of the burning-ground. |
Hierarchy | The third and fourth. |
Symbol | A funeral pyre, four torches, and a fivefold star mounting towards the sun.
Quality gained | Electrical velocity. |
Leads to --> | The cosmic astral plane. |
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Path III. The Path of Training for Planetary Logoi
Attributes | Cosmic vision, deva hearing and psychic correlation. |
Source | Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius. |
Method | Prismatic identification. |
Hierarchy | The fifth. |
Symbol | A colored cross, with a star at the center, and backed by a blazing sun, surmounted by a Sensa word. |
Quality gained | Cosmic etheric vision or septenary clairvoyance. |
Leads to --> | Higher levels of the cosmic mental plane. |
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Path IV. The Path to Sirius
Attributes | Cosmic rapture and rhythmic bliss. |
Source | Sirius via the Sun which veils a zodiacal sign. |
Method | Duplex rotary motion and rhythmic dancing upon the square. |
Hierarchy | Veiled by the numbers 14 and 17. |
Symbol | Two wheels of electric fire, revolving around an orange Cross, with an emerald at the center. |
Quality gained | Unrevealed. |
Leads to --> | The cosmic astral plane. |
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Path V. The Ray Path
Attributes | A sense of cosmic direction. |
Source | The Pole Star via Aquarius. |
Method | A process of electrical insulation and the imprisonment of polar magnetism. |
Hierarchy | The first and the second. |
Symbol | Five balls of fire enclosed within a sphere. Sphere is formed of a serpent inscribed with the mantram of insulation. |
Quality gained | Cosmic stability and magnetic equilibrium. |
Leads to --> | The cosmic mental plane. |
The initiates upon Path III through "piercing the veil" find Themselves upon Path V. |
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Path VI. The Path of the Solar Logos
(Summary not given.) |
Leads to --> | The cosmic buddhic plane. |
The initiates upon Path I "fight their way" on to Path VI. |
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Path VII. The Path of Absolute Sonship
(Summary not given.) |
Leads to --> | The cosmic mental plane. |
This Path relates our solar system to the constellation of the Great Bear.
The initiates upon Path II "alchemise themselves" on to Path VII. |
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